Lists are easy, so here's a list for you.
Things I'm loving right now, otherwise known as the "I-List"
1. Jason's deli party trays and free delivery. They let me be the hostess with the mostest with minimal effort.
2. Keeping the house clean all the time. Makes it so much easier for last minute entertaining.
3. My mom. She's the best, hands down.
4. My boyfriend. I asked for a huge favor and he said yes when he really didn't have to and it would have been perfectly acceptable to say no. And as he said yes over the phone without hesitation I thought to myself, "Wow, he really does love me." And I felt so grateful. And, by the way, I didn't take advantage of his generosity and go through with my plan because really, it was too much. But I thanked him nonetheless.
5. Facebook. It's just nice to see what my cousins and friends are up to.
6. Iced coffee from starbucks.
7. Summer dresses and flip flops.
8. Twilight. The movie, the book, the saga.
9. Rice Dream rice milk.
10. Air Conditioning. Today it was 102 degrees outside, heat index was like 115. Basically hot enough to make you want to jump off a bridge and end the suffering -- as long as you landed in a nice cold river or lake, or ocean.
Okay, people it's bed time. Til tomorrow...